Just in Time Institutional Review Board Agreement

Just in time institutional review board agreement: A brief overview

Clinical trials and research studies require the approval of an institutional review board (IRB) before they can commence. The IRB is responsible for ensuring that the study is conducted ethically and does not pose any harm to the participants. But obtaining IRB approval can be a time-consuming process, causing delays in the research timeline. This is where the concept of just in time IRB agreement comes in.

What is just in time IRB agreement?

Just in time (JIT) IRB agreement is a process in which the IRB approval is obtained in a shorter timeline than usual, by submitting the IRB documents closer to the research study`s start date. This method is used when the research study timeline is shorter than the usual time required for the IRB approval.

Reasons for JIT IRB agreement

The JIT IRB agreement is used for many reasons, and some of them are:

1. Time management: The JIT IRB agreement helps researchers manage their time better by reducing the waiting time between the submission of the study documents and IRB approval.

2. Flexibility: JIT IRB agreement gives researchers the flexibility to modify their study protocol based on feedback received from the IRB committee.

3. Reduced backlog: JIT IRB agreement can help reduce the backlog of research studies awaiting IRB approval.

How to apply for JIT IRB agreement?

To apply for JIT IRB agreement, researchers have to submit their study documents as early as possible to their IRB committee. The IRB committee will then review the documents and offer feedback. Once the researchers have modified their study plan based on the feedback, they can submit their final documents closer to their research start date.


The just in time IRB agreement is an excellent approach that can help researchers manage their time better and reduce the waiting time between the submission of study documents and IRB approval. However, researchers must follow the guidelines set by their IRB committee to qualify for a JIT IRB agreement.

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